Hello from inside the Vortex. We’ve got a lot of news for you this week, so strap in.
Item #1: Due to popular demand… WE HAVE POKEMON CARDS!
Item #2: We’re currently having a blowout sale on all movies and audiobooks. How much is the sale? FIFTY PERCENT OFF THE MARKED PRICE. For example, let’s say you want a Blu-ray of Dawn of the Dead or compact discs of F. Paul Wilson’s The Keep read by Samuel L. Jackson. You pull them off the shelf and see that the sticker price says $10. You can then get fifty percent off that price, which means you’re getting them for five bucks. Why are we doing this? Because as we head into our fourth full month of operations, it is clear to us that movies and audiobooks aren’t going to be big sellers here at the store. We can better use their shelf space for other things. So… they have to go. And the easiest way to get them to go is to mark them down to the point where even someone who doesn’t watch movies on physical media or listen to audiobooks via compact disc will snag them for someone who still does.
Item #3: John Urbancik has a new novel coming out on Tuesday, June 25th. There is only one place in the entire world where you can preorder a signed copy, and that place is… you guessed it. Vortex Books & Comics. If you are a local, you don’t need to do anything. We’ll have John signing copies here in store on Wednesday, June 26th. If, however, you live far away and would like to preorder a signed copy, you can do so right now via our online store.
Item #4: Speaking of our online store, and being the only place in the world to get something, Justin Lutz’s new book, Give Unto Us, isn’t available in stores until May 28th. But you know where you can get a SIGNED copy right now? If you guessed Vortex, then you are correct. We have a limited quantity, all signed, in stock, and available both in-store and via our online store. Snag one today and score valuable social media points by having something before everyone else.
And speaking of Justin, thanks to everyone who braved the rain and showed up for his and David Simmons’ signing last weekend. A great time was had by all. If you missed out, we’ve got signed copies of all of their books available both here in the store and online. And extra special thanks to David’s daughter, who is our new assistant manager in training.

Item #5: This coming Saturday, May 25th, we’re celebrating our one-year wedding anniversary here in the store. We’ll be giving away FREE door prizes all day! Plus, 10% off all purchases, all day long!
Item #6: This Sunday is our usual Magic the Gathering casual play from noon to 4pm. Both traditional decks and Commander are welcome. And if you’ve never played Magic but are curious or want to learn, join us. Someone will be very happy to show you the ropes.
Coming up in the weeks ahead — Dungeons & Dragons, Wesley Southard’s Free Movie Night, signings by Canada’s John R. Little and bestselling indie duo Aron Beauregard and Kristopher Triana! Check out the full event schedule here.
Our Top Ten Best-Selling Books For Week Of 5/12/2024
1. Survivor by J.F. Gonzalez
2. Becoming the Boogeyman by Richard Chizmar
3. Gone To Seed by Justin Lutz
4. Ghosts of West Baltimore by David Simmons
5. Gemini Rising by Justin Lutz
6. Ghosts of East Baltimore by David Simmons
7. Cranberry Cove by Hailey Piper
7. Borealis by Wile E. Young
8. Naked Theater and Uncensored Horror by Stuart Gordon
9. Hunter of the Dead by Stephen Kozeniewski
10. The Day of the Door by Laurel Hightower
Our Top Ten Best-Selling Comics For Week Of 4/21/2024
1. Miles Morales: Spider-Man
2. masters of the Universe: Revolution
3. Spectacular Spider-Men
4. Space Ghost
5. Batman Dark Age
6. Energon Universe
7. Batman First Knight
8. Barbaric
9. Feral
10. X-Men 97
Please note that while we DO buy used books, comic collections, pulps, magazines, etc — we are currently closed to taking on anymore. We anticipate starting again in June or July. So… before you haul your collection in for some cash or store credit, hold off until then.
And that does it for this week! Hope to see you soon! Don’t forget — 10% off all day Saturday.
— Brian and Mary
Looks like things are really buzzing at Vortex. We're looking forward to our visit there in September!
Can't wait to see you all there!